Meet the Team

Based in the UK and Romania.

Nicoleta Carpineanu
Founder & Director

Nicoleta is a UK-based, Romanian artist, producer and environmental activist with in-depth experience in Research & Development of projects, producer of documentary films including Wild Carpathia and international DJ/Music Producer under the name Nico de Transilvania. Nico spent her childhood in the forests of Romania, learning how to live in harmony with the environment and worked for 13 years as a social worker in the UK.


Jane Dunford
Communications and Media

Jane is an editor and writer for global publications including The Guardian. Her interests lie in eco and regenerative tourism, conservation, re-wilding, nature connection and indigenous knowledge of the land. A love of the wild and passion for trees led to her becoming involved with Forests Without Frontiers from its early days, inspired by the project's vision and potential to really make a difference.


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Marie-Helene (Maz) Palmer
Executive Assistant

Maz has worked in various executive assistant and business manager roles gaining extensive experience in administration, communications and relationship building. Maz grew up playing in forests and having two young children has made her more aware of the importance of restoring nature and educating future generations.



Ion Holban
Project Coordinator Romania & Conservation Specialist

Ion is a Romanian/British conservationist currently working with Rottenburgh University on mapping the last virgin forests of Romania for their national catalogue. Previously Ion has worked on various environmental projects in the UK, Spain and Romania. He’s our man on the ground in Romania and part of the FWF team right from the start.


Marius Bugeac (Volunteer)
Design and Communication, RO

Marius is a Romanian entrepreneur with in-depth knowledge in PR and Communications. He’s one of the founders of Music Outdoor Experience festival which focuses on bringing people back to nature. In 2018 he decided that he wanted to live a greener lifestyle and started volunteering at different reforestation activities near his hometown.

Lilian Simonsson
Head of Partnerships and Fundraising

Lili works as a consultant for not-for-profit organizations, specializing in maximizing social impact, fostering sustainable partnerships, and crafting successful fundraising strategies. As co-founder and director of the Enthum Foundation for seven years, Lili established herself as a visionary change-maker and systemic thinker, driven by a passion for uniting diverse communities through collaborative projects that bridge cultural, religious, and political divides. Her love for the arts, nature, ritual, and storytelling informs everything she does.


Toby Visram

Toby is a founder and director of The Cute Group and has been owner, director and operations lead of multiple start-ups and SMEs. An associate of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment he has an interest in sustainability and environmental, social & governance standards. A passion for the arts, the environment and businesses-as-a-force-for-change led him to join our team.


Rachel Rogers
Marketing & Communications

Rachel has spent over 20 years working across the creative industries in many different guises. With a passion for photography, creativity and purpose-driven work, she helps small creative businesses and individuals make marketing feel meaningful, authentic, and effective.

Rachel is inspired by the intersection of creativity, storytelling, and environmental impact.