We are thrilled to announce that our autumn 2021 plantation in Romania went ahead in November and we were able to plant 30,000 trees. This brings the grand total of trees planted so far in the Carpathian Mountains to an incredible 85,000! That’s quite a forest – so huge thanks to everyone who has donated to us so far!

The recent trees were planted in the Groapele region (find out more about it here) and consist of a mix of spruce, silver pine and rowan.

Beautiful colours of the forest next to the area where we plant

Baby silver pine ready to be planted

Nicoleta, FWF founder, was in Romania to help with the plantations. Here’s what she had to say about the trip:

Nicoleta with the team on the ground

“I’m really glad I had the opportunity to join those working on the ground this autumn, alongside our project coordinator Ion Holban and the Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC) team. As we walked through the forest we were mesmerised by the beauty of the autumn colours of the beech and sycamore trees, but as we got closer to the plantation site the shock of the devastation kicked in. We’re helping reforest an area of 300 hectares here (we first planted here in the spring) and seeing the reality of the situation is so sad. It made me feel so grateful that we can contribute to regenerating this region. It will eventually all be part of the largest forested national park in Europe.

The workers have to wake up very early in morning and walk quite a way to reach the site. Each person plants up to 200 trees a day. Planting a forest properly in these conditions is such hard work – I managed to plant 20 alongside them! It’s an amazing feeling, though, helping nature recover. 

It will take us a few years to reforest this whole area and I’m really glad we have some local planters committed to doing this work each season and that we can offer them regular jobs. They don’t just plant these trees but also look after them every year and replace some that die.

Nicoleta and the team planting trees

I got to see one of our regular planters, Nicoleta, who I met in the spring. Because it’s so remote – and because of covid – the workers stay up in the mountains in two big cabins. Nicoleta told me how her four-year-old son was with her as well as her parents – so he was looked after by her grandfather while she worked and he cooked stews and soups for everyone for dinner.

While I was there I also went to visit Silvia Dan, a village elder who I’m working on my next album with, thanks to the ELAR Cambridge Conservation Initiative. I saw some amazing wildlife too – from black stork to bear and the bison near Nucșoara which will be reintroduced next year.

Nico with FWF project coordinator Ion Holban, and the FCC team Mihai Zotta and Ionut Cretu

One thing I became aware of is that many of the workers on the plantation have inadequate footwear – wellies or old boots – and we would really love to get them good waterproof walking boots. So we’re planning a campaign for people – or organisations – to donate boots in time for next year’s plantation in spring. If you have any ideas let us know!

The site in Devon

As well as our work in Romania we are excited to be planting in Sussex in December in partnership with Springham Farm. Our trees in Devon, planted in spring 2021, with Farm Under the Radar, are doing well.

One of the Rowan saplings

It’s exciting times with FWF and we are so grateful to all our donors, partners and individuals for your continued support. It’s more urgent than ever that we come together and do what we can to protect nature and help the planet regenerate. Together we really can make a difference. Keep spreading the word!”

Nicoleta Carpineanu, Founder Forests Without Frontiers
